Emergency plumbing Montreal (24/7).

Resolve your emergency plumbing issue in Montreal with an our specialized plumbers.

Locally owned & operated

Quick, same-day service

Reliable & Trustworthy

emergency plumbing job on a montreal bathroom sink

Our emergency plumbing technicians cater to all emergency plumbing issues in Montreal



Broken or root-infested pipes

Gas leaks

Sewage Backups

Blocked or broken toilets

No hot water

Drops in water pressure

Main line clogs

Faucet malfunctions

Proud to be a locally owned and operated emergency plumbing business.

Emergency Plumbing Monteral is obsessed with serving our community and building strong relationships based on quality work, honesty, and trust. If you’re in need of emergency plumbing services in Montreal, don’t hesitate to call us. We’re available 24/7 and we’re always here to help.

Act Fast and Prevent Disaster: Essential Tip for Handling a Plumbing Emergency

Shut off the water supply: The first and most crucial step is to stop the flow of water to prevent further damage. Locate the main water shut-off valve in your home and close it. Typically, the shut-off valve is located near the water meter, in the basement, or outside the house. Turning the valve clockwise will shut off the water supply.

By shutting off the water, you’ll prevent any additional water from causing further damage and give yourself time to address the issue or call in professional emergency plumbing. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the location of the shut-off valve in advance, so you can act quickly in an emergency.

Including plumbing repair, drain clearing, water heating repair, and more. We’re here to help, same day, any hour. If it’s urgent, call us.  We’re ready to handle any emergency plumbing job, big or small.

In any plumbing emergency, it’s generally recommended to call for licensed emergency plumbing services. They have the expertise and tools to resolve the issue effectively and prevent further damage.

The Local Leader In Emergency Plumbing

Give us a call and get the help you need, fast.

Your Trusted Plumbing Partner

Our vetted plumbing technicians are eager to provide you with friendly and professional assistance.

Serving The Local Community

Striving towards a more sustainable, community-focused world.